There are four large, white (usually) power plugs that come out of the power supply and bring the primary power to the Tanzania motherboard. (P1, P2, P10, P11). These power plugs are square. There is one small black (Usually) power plug (P9). There is one small white power plug. I have only used it for Zip drives, it may work for other devices. There are five white power plugs used for hard drives, CD burners and such. The numbering on them varies so I have not used numbers. You just need to know there are five of them. There are two sets of wires that will have two plugs on them, one plug in the middle and one plug at the end. And one set of wires that just has one plug on the end. These power plugs have a beveled edges on the top so you won't get them plugged in upside down. Use the plugs in the middle of the wires for devices in the upper front bays and the plugs at the end of the wires for devices in the lower bays. Leave a spare plug down in the bottom of the StarMax in case you decide to add an extra cooling fan or other device in the lower area. |

Here is a closeup of the "Other" power plugs in the StarMax Tanzania Minitower motherboard. I haven't marked the place where they plug in, but you can see the pins on the very right hand edge of the motherboard. You will need to unplug these connectors in order to remove the fan for cleaning. Just pay attention to where and how they are plugged in and get them back the way you found them. Notice the fan, inside it's white housing, attached to the air intake grille on the right side of this photo. |